Best Telecaster Pickups in 2023

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1. Fender Pure Vintage 64

2 . Fender Custom Shop 1951

3. Seymour Duncan Vintage Broadcaster

4. Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound Tele

5. Fender Tex Mex

6. Fender Generation 4 Noiseless

7. Tonerider TRT2

8. Fender Custom Shop Twisted Tele

9. Seymour Duncan Hot Rails

10. Fender Deluxe Drive

"Unleash the soulful harmonies, electrify your sound, and embark on a sonic journey like no other. Today, we delve into the realm of Telecaster pickups, where artistry meets engineering, and where the perfect blend of vintage warmth and modern power coalesces. Step into a world where the notes sing with brilliance, the chords resonate with emotion, and the instrument becomes an extension of your very soul. Join us as we explore the finest Telecaster pickups, crafted to ignite your passion and elevate your music to breathtaking heights. Are you ready to discover the magic that lies within these extraordinary pickups?" Let's Get Start.

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The Fender Pure Vintage '64 pickups are designed to replicate the iconic tone of mid-1960s Stratocaster pickups. They aim to provide players with a vintage, warm, and dynamic sound that captures the essence of that era. Here's a concise review of the Fender Pure Vintage '64 pickups, including their pros and cons:


Authentic Vintage Tone: These pickups deliver an authentic vintage Stratocaster tone, perfect for players seeking that classic '60s sound. They offer a rich, bell-like chime with a touch of warmth that complements various musical styles.

Dynamic Response: The Pure Vintage '64 pickups are highly responsive to your playing dynamics. Whether you're picking softly or digging in hard, they respond accordingly, offering a wide range of tonal expression.

Improved Articulation: With these pickups, individual notes are clear and well-defined, even when playing chords. This enhanced articulation adds clarity to your playing and allows for better note separation.

Vintage Aesthetics: The pickups' vintage construction and appearance add an authentic touch to your guitar. They blend seamlessly with vintage-style instruments or provide a nostalgic feel to modern guitars.


Limited Versatility: While the Pure Vintage '64 pickups excel at delivering vintage Stratocaster tones, they may not be as versatile as more modern or versatile pickups. Players seeking a broader range of tones might find them somewhat limited.

Background Noise: Like many single-coil pickups, the Pure Vintage '64 pickups are susceptible to humming and interference, especially in high-gain situations or near electronic devices. This can be mitigated with proper shielding and noise reduction techniques.

Output Level: Some players might find the output level of these pickups to be lower compared to higher-output options. This can be compensated with adjustments to the amplifier or using a boost pedal.

In conclusion, the Fender Pure Vintage '64 pickups are an excellent choice for players who prioritize authentic vintage tone and responsiveness. Their dynamic response and articulation make them a delight to play, while their vintage aesthetics enhance the overall appeal of your instrument. However, they may not suit players seeking extreme versatility or high-output performance. Nonetheless, for those seeking that classic '60s sound, the Pure Vintage '64 pickups are a worthy addition to any Stratocaster-style guitar.

2 . Fender Custom Shop 1951

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The Fender Custom Shop 1951 is a premium electric guitar that aims to replicate the classic look, feel, and tone of a 1951 Fender Stratocaster. This model is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans at Fender's Custom Shop, renowned for its exceptional attention to detail and craftsmanship. Here's a concise review of the Fender Custom Shop 1951, highlighting its pros and cons:


Impeccable Build Quality: The Custom Shop 1951 is constructed with top-notch materials and precise manufacturing techniques, resulting in a guitar that feels solid and reliable.

Vintage Aesthetics: The guitar captures the essence of a vintage '51 Stratocaster with period-correct appointments, such as a single-ply pickguard, soft V-shaped neck profile, and authentic hardware.

Exceptional Tone: Equipped with custom-wound pickups, the Custom Shop '51 produces rich, warm tones with excellent sustain, ideal for blues, rock, and classic styles.

Playability: The smooth neck and comfortable frets make it effortless to navigate the fretboard, allowing for hours of enjoyable playing.

Collectability: As a product of Fender's prestigious Custom Shop, the '51 model holds its value well and is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike.


High Price Tag: The Custom Shop 1951 is expensive due to its handcrafted nature and limited production, making it less accessible to budget-conscious buyers.

Limited Availability: Since it's a Custom Shop product, finding one in stock at music stores may be challenging, and there could be waiting periods for new orders.

Vintage Feel may not suit all Players: Some players may prefer modern features like flatter neck profiles or more versatile pickups, which the '51 model doesn't offer.

Weight: The '51 Stratocaster replicas can be slightly heavier compared to modern versions, which might not be appealing to players who prefer lightweight instruments.

In conclusion, the Fender Custom Shop 1951 is a top-tier guitar that delivers vintage aesthetics and exceptional tone while embodying the craftsmanship of the Custom Shop. Despite its high price and some limitations, this guitar is a dream come true for vintage aficionados and players seeking an instrument of unparalleled quality and historical significance.

3. Seymour Duncan Vintage Broadcaster

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The Seymour Duncan Vintage Broadcaster is a classic-style single-coil pickup designed to replicate the iconic tones of vintage telecaster-style guitars. It is a popular choice for players seeking that vintage twang and articulate sound. Here's a concise review outlining its pros and cons.


Authentic Vintage Tone: The Vintage Broadcaster delivers a genuine vintage sound reminiscent of the original 1950s telecaster pickups. It boasts warm, clear, and twangy tones, ideal for country, blues, and classic rock styles.

High-Quality Craftsmanship: Seymour Duncan is known for its exceptional build quality, and the Vintage Broadcaster is no exception. The pickup is constructed with top-notch materials, ensuring durability and longevity.

Well-Balanced Output: The pickup offers a well-balanced output with a focused midrange, which allows your guitar to cut through the mix without sounding harsh or overpowering.

Great for Clean and Dirty Tones: The Vintage Broadcaster excels in both clean and overdriven settings. It remains articulate and dynamic even when pushed into distortion, making it a versatile choice for various playing styles.

No Noise Issues: Single-coil pickups are prone to hum, but the Vintage Broadcaster is designed with special attention to reducing unwanted noise, ensuring a quiet operation.


Limited Versatility: While the Vintage Broadcaster is excellent for vintage-style tones, it may not be the best choice for players seeking modern, high-gain sounds. It's primarily geared towards classic genres.

Not Ideal for Complex Chords: As with most single-coil pickups, the Vintage Broadcaster may lack some of the complexity and fullness found in humbuckers, making it less suited for intricate chord voicings.

Sensitive to Interference: Despite efforts to minimize noise, single-coil pickups can still be susceptible to interference from certain lighting and electronic devices, leading to occasional hum.

Requires Proper Shielding: To minimize noise issues further, installing proper shielding in the guitar's control cavity is recommended, which might require additional effort and cost.

In summary, the Seymour Duncan Vintage Broadcaster is an exceptional pickup that accurately captures the essence of vintage telecaster-style tones. Its quality craftsmanship, balanced output, and versatility for both clean and driven tones make it a top choice for players seeking classic sounds. However, those desiring a more modern, high-gain performance or complex chord capabilities may find other pickup options more suitable.

4. Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound Tele

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The Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound Tele is a popular pickup set designed for Telecaster-style guitars, known for its high-output and powerful tones. Here's a brief review of the product, highlighting its pros and cons:


High-output and fat tone: The Quarter Pound Tele pickups deliver a significant increase in output compared to standard single-coils, providing a rich, fat, and punchy tone that's perfect for rock, blues, and other high-energy genres.

Clarity and note definition: Despite the increased output, these pickups manage to maintain excellent clarity and note definition, even with heavy distortion or overdrive. Each note rings through distinctly, making it ideal for intricate playing styles.

Versatility: While primarily favored for rock and blues, the Quarter Pound Tele pickups handle a wide range of genres surprisingly well, from country to punk, thanks to their balanced frequency response.

Noise reduction: The pickups are wound in a way that helps minimize hum and noise, even at high-gain settings, ensuring a relatively noise-free performance.


Overpowering for some styles: Players who prefer vintage or mellow tones may find the Quarter Pound Tele pickups too aggressive and overpowering for their liking. The pickups' intense output might not suit all musical genres.

Loss of traditional Tele twang: While the pickups offer a unique and powerful tone, some traditional Telecaster enthusiasts may miss the classic twang associated with vintage single-coils.

Setup adjustments: Installing high-output pickups like the Quarter Pound Tele might require adjustments to your guitar's setup, including intonation and pickup height, to get the best sound.

Limited tonal subtlety: Due to their high output, the pickups may have less dynamic range compared to lower output pickups, potentially limiting subtle tonal variations and nuances.

In summary, the Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound Tele pickups are an excellent choice for players seeking a high-output, powerful, and versatile tone that works well for rock and blues. However, those who prefer traditional Tele twang or require a more subtle tonal range might want to explore other options. Overall, these pickups are a solid upgrade for musicians looking to add some extra punch and aggression to their Telecaster-style guitar's sound.

5. Fender Tex Mex

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The Fender Tex Mex pickups are a popular aftermarket option for electric guitar players seeking to enhance their instrument's tone without breaking the bank. These pickups are specifically designed to capture the classic, glassy, and twangy sound associated with Tex-Mex-style Stratocasters. Below is a concise review outlining the pros and cons of the Fender Tex Mex pickups.


Authentic Vintage Tone: The Tex Mex pickups deliver that iconic vintage Stratocaster tone reminiscent of Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimi Hendrix. They produce sparkling cleans and sweet overdriven tones, ideal for blues, rock, and country genres.

Versatility: While they excel at Tex-Mex tones, these pickups can handle a wide range of musical styles. They provide a balanced output across all positions, allowing players to switch between neck, middle, and bridge pickups smoothly.

Affordable: Compared to other aftermarket pickups, the Fender Tex Mex pickups are relatively inexpensive, making them an attractive option for players on a budget seeking to upgrade their sound.

Easy Installation: The Tex Mex pickups are designed to fit in standard Stratocaster routing, making installation a breeze for most guitarists. It's a straightforward upgrade for those with basic soldering skills.


Lack of Noise Reduction: One common criticism of the Tex Mex pickups is their susceptibility to background noise and hum, especially in high-gain settings. This might be a concern for players seeking noiseless performance.

Limited Coil-Splitting Options: Unlike some modern pickups, the Tex Mex set lacks multiple wiring options for coil-splitting or series/parallel configurations. This limits the tonal versatility for those wanting more diverse sound options.

Not for Modern High-Gain Styles: While these pickups excel in classic genres, they might not be the best fit for players looking for heavily distorted, modern metal sounds. The Tex Mex pickups are better suited for vintage and blues-inspired music.

In conclusion, the Fender Tex Mex pickups offer a cost-effective and easy way to upgrade your Stratocaster with authentic vintage tones. They shine in genres like blues, rock, and country, providing versatility and a touch of nostalgia. However, players seeking noiseless operation or more modern tonal options may need to explore other pickup alternatives. Overall, the Tex Mex pickups are a solid choice for any guitarist looking to infuse their playing with that timeless Stratocaster sound.

6. Fender Generation 4 Noiseless

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The Fender Generation 4 Noiseless pickups are a modern take on the classic single-coil Stratocaster pickups, designed to offer vintage-style tone without the unwanted 60-cycle hum. Here's a concise review of the Fender Generation 4 Noiseless pickups, including their pros and cons:


Noiseless Operation: As the name suggests, the Generation 4 Noiseless pickups significantly reduce or eliminate the humming and interference associated with traditional single-coil pickups. This allows for a cleaner, noise-free performance, even in high-gain settings.

Vintage Tone with Modern Twist: These pickups manage to retain the iconic, sparkling Stratocaster tone, but with a slightly warmer and more balanced character. They are well-suited for various music genres and provide a more modern edge to classic tones.

Consistent Output: The Generation 4 Noiseless pickups offer a consistent and balanced output across all three positions. This ensures a smoother transition between pickup selections and simplifies tone shaping.

Solderless Installation: Fender designed these pickups with a solderless installation system, making them easier to install or swap, even for players with minimal technical knowledge.


Slightly Less Dynamic: Compared to traditional single-coil pickups, some players might find the Generation 4 Noiseless pickups to be slightly less dynamic in response. While they retain expressiveness, they might not be as touch-sensitive as vintage-style pickups.

Limited Vintage Purity: Purists seeking an entirely vintage-style tone may feel that the Generation 4 Noiseless pickups lack some of the raw, unpolished qualities of classic single-coil pickups.

Reduced High-End Sparkle: While the pickups deliver a clear and balanced tone, some players might miss the extra high-end sparkle and shimmer that traditional single-coils provide.

In conclusion, the Fender Generation 4 Noiseless pickups are an excellent choice for players who desire the iconic Stratocaster tone without the inherent noise issues of single-coil pickups. They deliver a modern take on vintage sound, with improved balance and reduced hum. The solderless installation system adds convenience for guitar modders and beginners alike. However, players seeking a more authentic vintage experience might find them slightly less dynamic and with a bit of high-end sparkle missing. Overall, the Generation 4 Noiseless pickups are a reliable option for those seeking noiseless operation and versatile Stratocaster tones in a contemporary package.

7. Tonerider TRT2

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The Tonerider TRT2 is a popular set of electric guitar pickups known for its affordability and ability to deliver classic vintage tones. Designed as a replacement for standard Stratocaster pickups, the TRT2 aims to provide players with an upgraded tonal experience without breaking the bank. Here's a concise review of the Tonerider TRT2 pickups, highlighting its pros and cons:


Affordable Vintage Tones: The TRT2 pickups are reasonably priced, making them an excellent choice for players on a budget who desire the classic Stratocaster sound without investing in expensive boutique pickups.

Authentic Vintage Sound: The TRT2 successfully replicates the warm, clear, and balanced tones of vintage Stratocaster pickups, making it suitable for various genres, including blues, rock, and funk.

Alnico Magnets: The pickups feature Alnico V magnets, which contribute to the characteristic bell-like chime and increased sustain associated with vintage-style single-coil pickups.

Balanced Output: The TRT2 set provides balanced output levels across all three positions, ensuring a consistent and even tone when switching between pickup positions.

Easy Installation: These pickups are designed as direct replacements for standard Stratocaster pickups, making installation relatively straightforward for anyone with basic soldering skills.


Limited Customization: While the TRT2 pickups offer excellent vintage tones, they may not be the best choice for players seeking highly specific, customized tonal options.

Not for High-Gain Styles: The TRT2 pickups are better suited for classic and clean tones. Players who primarily play high-gain styles like heavy metal may find these pickups lacking in output and aggressive characteristics.

Quality Control: Some users have reported inconsistencies in quality control, with occasional variations in sound and output between different sets of TRT2 pickups.

Noise and Hum: Like most single-coil pickups, the TRT2 is susceptible to humming and noise, especially in high-gain or high-volume settings. Consider installing noise-cancelling systems or using a noise gate if this is a concern.

Limited Versatility: While the TRT2 offers authentic vintage Stratocaster tones, it may not provide the versatility and tonal range of more premium and specialized pickup sets.

In conclusion, the Tonerider TRT2 pickups are an excellent choice for players seeking affordable, vintage-inspired tones for their Stratocaster-style guitars. They deliver warm and balanced tones reminiscent of classic single-coil pickups, making them suitable for various musical genres. However, they may not be the best option for players seeking high-gain capabilities or those requiring extensive tonal customization. Despite some minor drawbacks, the Tonerider TRT2 pickups offer great value for the price and can be an easy and effective way to upgrade your guitar's sound.

8. Fender Custom Shop Twisted Tele

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The Fender Custom Shop Twisted Tele is a premium single-coil pickup designed to provide a unique twist on the classic Telecaster tone. Created by Fender's renowned Custom Shop, it aims to deliver enhanced versatility and modern tones while retaining the Telecaster's iconic character. Here's a concise review outlining its pros and cons.


Versatile Tone: The Twisted Tele offers a more versatile tonal range compared to traditional Telecaster pickups. It maintains the signature twang and clarity but with a slightly higher output and a touch of added warmth, making it suitable for a broader range of music styles.

Enhanced High-End Response: The pickup's "twisted" design provides improved high-end response, giving your guitar a sparkling and lively sound that cuts through the mix without becoming harsh.

Great for Both Clean and Overdriven Tones: Whether you're playing clean country licks or driving the amp into overdrive, the Twisted Tele excels in both scenarios. It remains articulate and dynamic, making it an excellent choice for various playing techniques.

Noiseless Operation: The Twisted Tele is designed with noiseless technology, reducing hum and interference common in traditional single-coil pickups. This feature ensures a quiet performance, even in high-gain settings.

Custom Shop Quality: As part of Fender's Custom Shop lineup, these pickups are handcrafted with exceptional attention to detail and quality. You can expect top-notch construction and premium materials for optimal performance and longevity.


Higher Price: Being part of Fender's Custom Shop series, the Twisted Tele pickups come at a higher price point compared to standard pickups. However, the craftsmanship and improved tonal range justify the cost for many players.

Less Vintage Authenticity: Some purists may find that the Twisted Tele lacks the exact vintage authenticity found in traditional Telecaster pickups. It's a modern take on the classic sound, which may not appeal to everyone seeking a strictly vintage experience.

Limited Humbucking Characteristics: While the Twisted Tele offers enhanced versatility, it still falls short in providing full humbucker-like tones. Players seeking thick, saturated humbucking sounds may want to explore other pickup options.

In conclusion, the Fender Custom Shop Twisted Tele pickups offer a fresh take on the classic Telecaster sound. With enhanced versatility, noiseless operation, and high-end sparkle, they cater to a broader range of musical styles. Despite the higher price, the Custom Shop craftsmanship ensures exceptional quality and performance. However, players seeking a strictly vintage Telecaster tone or humbucking characteristics might need to consider alternative pickup choices.

9. Seymour Duncan Hot Rails

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The Seymour Duncan Hot Rails is a popular single-coil sized humbucker pickup known for its high-output and aggressive tones. Below is a concise review of the Seymour Duncan Hot Rails, including its pros and cons:


High-output and powerful: The Hot Rails delivers a massive output for a single-coil sized pickup, making it perfect for players who desire thick and heavy tones. It's particularly well-suited for hard rock and metal genres.

Sustain and harmonics: The pickup's high output and strong midrange response contribute to improved sustain and enhanced harmonics, allowing for soaring lead lines and searing solos.

Versatility: Despite its reputation for aggressive tones, the Hot Rails can handle a surprisingly broad range of genres. From heavy distortion to moderate overdrive and even cleaner settings, it maintains clarity and definition.

Noise reduction: Thanks to its humbucking design, the Hot Rails significantly reduces unwanted hum and noise, even at high-gain settings, ensuring a noise-free performance.


Loss of traditional single-coil characteristics: While the Hot Rails offers powerful tones, it sacrifices some of the traditional single-coil sparkle and chime, which might disappoint players seeking classic Stratocaster-like tones.

Limited tonal dynamics: Due to its high output, the Hot Rails can be less responsive to picking nuances, resulting in reduced tonal dynamics compared to lower-output pickups.

Installation challenges: Installing the Hot Rails might require some modifications to the guitar's pickguard and routing due to its humbucker size, making it a more involved upgrade compared to standard single-coil pickups.

Tone might not suit all playing styles: The Hot Rails' aggressive and thick tone may not be well-suited for players who prefer more vintage or clean sounds, as it excels in higher-gain settings.

In summary, the Seymour Duncan Hot Rails is an excellent choice for guitarists seeking a high-output, aggressive, and versatile humbucker pickup that fits well in the single-coil slot. It provides exceptional sustain, harmonics, and reduced noise, making it a top pick for players in hard rock and metal genres. However, those who prefer traditional single-coil tones or require more tonal dynamics may want to explore other pickup options. Overall, the Hot Rails is a solid choice for players looking to add power and intensity to their guitar's sound without sacrificing too much versatility.

10. Fender Deluxe Drive

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The Fender Deluxe Drive pedal is an overdrive/distortion pedal designed to replicate the classic tube amp-driven sound for electric guitars. Here's a brief review outlining its pros and cons.


Versatility: The Fender Deluxe Drive offers a wide range of tones, from subtle overdrive to medium distortion. It excels in capturing the warm, responsive sound of a tube amplifier, making it suitable for various music genres like blues, rock, and even mild classic rock.

Dynamic Response: One of the standout features of this pedal is its excellent dynamic response. It responds well to changes in playing style and guitar volume, allowing players to achieve expressive and nuanced tones with ease.

Three-Band EQ: The built-in three-band EQ (bass, middle, and treble) allows precise control over the tone. It enables users to tailor the sound to their liking and match it with different guitars and amplifiers.

Robust Build Quality: Fender is known for its reliable craftsmanship, and the Deluxe Drive pedal is no exception. It features a durable metal chassis that can withstand the rigors of live performances and heavy use.


Price: Compared to some other overdrive pedals on the market, the Fender Deluxe Drive can be relatively expensive. However, the quality and tone it delivers often justify the investment for serious musicians.

Power Supply: The pedal requires a 9V power supply, which means it might not be as convenient for those who prefer using batteries for their pedals. It's essential to have a compatible power supply or use an adapter.

Not for High-Gain: While the Deluxe Drive provides a decent amount of distortion, it might not be the best option for players seeking heavily saturated high-gain tones commonly used in metal or extreme rock genres.

Limited Sound Sculpting: While the three-band EQ is useful, some players might miss the additional tone-shaping controls found in other pedals. This can be a drawback for those who prefer a more customizable sound.

In conclusion, the Fender Deluxe Drive pedal is an excellent choice for guitarists seeking classic tube amp-like overdrive and distortion. Its versatility, dynamic response, and build quality make it a reliable and expressive tool for various musical styles. However, its higher price, power supply requirement, and limited high-gain capabilities might be factors to consider depending on individual preferences and musical needs. Overall, the Fender Deluxe Drive remains a solid option for players looking to enhance their tone with a touch of classic overdrive and distortion.

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